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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Tips for a Safer Recovery After a Storm| SERVPRO of Bellevue

6/22/2024 (Permalink)

Tree Falls on a House and Splits It Down the Middle When an unexpected disaster takes your home by storm, you are not alone. SERVPRO of Bellevue is here and wants to help. Call us today!

Storms can come in all shapes and sizes around here. Whether a coastal storm blows in off the ocean unexpectedly or an intense wind surge takes us by surprise, we could all be caught off-guard by the severity of the weather and our homes can suffer as a result.

Rain, wind and hail can cause serious damage to our homes and properties, and oftentimes, there isn’t much we can do while the storm rages on. Follow these tips to help guide you through the next severe storm situation if your home suffers damage. 

After the Storm Passes

Hunker down in your safe shelter location and stay there until the coast is clear. That doesn’t necessarily mean once you hear the storm fading away that it’s safe to get out, though! 

Storms can come in waves, and the next could very well be on the horizon. Stay connected to the forecast and your weather radio and only exit when the weather warning has expired. 

Once you are able to get up and assess the situation, bring your phone and weather radio with you so you can stay connected and call for help if you run into any issues. Put on sturdy shoes and walk carefully in case you encounter broken glass, loose nails or unsteady floorboards. 

Now is also the perfect time to connect with any family members that weren’t home when the storm came through. It is also a kind gesture to check on your neighbors, as storms can impact homes and people differently. After you determine that everyone is safe and accounted for, get SERVPRO of Bellevue on the phone. 

How We Help You Recover

Suffering storm damage may be an emotional experience, especially if any sentimental items or possessions were damaged in the process. While you may still be a little shocked, it is important that you take action immediately to start the recovery process. The longer your home is exposed to the elements, the higher the risk that your spaces suffer from further damage. 

We are proudly locally owned and operated, which allows us to be at your home quickly, but we do need to travel there! While you wait for us to arrive, we encourage you to take some preventive steps to secure your home. Remove any undamaged possessions from the affected area and lay tarps over any furniture if it is still actively raining or drizzling. We will do this more extensively when we arrive, but it never hurts to start the process right away.

Our first goal is to finish securing your home as soon as we arrive. We will secure tarps over exposed parts of your roof and walls to keep out the elements and we will also board up any broken windows or busted doors. Then we will get started removing standing water and addressing your structural repairs. If fragile possessions like documents or upholstery were damaged, our team can expertly handle the restoration of these items as well. 

SERVPRO of Bellevue is always Here to Help® you navigate storm damage. Contact us today. 

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